Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

What to expect

If I have not treated you before, our first session will be 90-120 minutes rather than the 60-90 minutes for any subsequent appointments. During this time we will examine your current situation as well as your medical history. Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine is usually formed from a series of questions combined with examining your tongue, pulse, and symptoms. I'll then outline my recommendations for your treatment. These may include various combinations of the modalities explained below.  I'll always ensure you understand the proposed treatment and are comfortable before proceeding.


Acupuncture is performed by inserting very fine needles into specific points on the body to facilitate the movement of qi (pronounced 'chi') or energy. Traditional Chinese Medicine holds that the correct flow of qi in channels throughout our bodies is necessary for optimum health. The disruption or stagnation of qi flow can manifest as a wide range of ailments or illnesses.  

As an acupuncturist, I prefer using a gentle needling technique with high-quality needles, designed to provide the best possible patient experience. All needles are disposable and used only once. Various sensations such as tingling, warmth and heaviness around needle points are expected and common. Once the needles are placed they will remain for around twenty - thirty minutes before being removed. Treatment is typically administered with the patient lying either face down or on their back on the treatment table, common needling sites include arms, lower legs, stomach, and back.


Cupping provides tension relief for sore and achy muscles by promoting circulation and blood flow to targeted areas.  It consists of removing the air from the cups (I use both glass and plastic cups in my practice) and placing them on the skin to create a suction effect.  This suction or type of 'inverted massage’ is a wonderful tool to promote healing and relaxation.  Cupping can leave circular pink or purple marks on the skin (which should disappear in less than one week), however, it is usually found to be an extremely relaxing and beneficial treatment.

Gua Sha

Gua Sha is a technique used to help relieve muscular tension, promote circulation and blood flow.  It is often used to aid in the treatment of colds in the early stages of illness. The treatment takes the form of repeated strokes across the skin with a 'gua sha comb', a smooth-edged tool. I use natural oils during the treatment to maximize results and comfort. Although Gua Sha can leave pink and purple marks on the skin (which should disappear completely within a week), it is a relaxing technique and I have found that patients find the experience enjoyable and often request it in later sessions.  

Chinese Herbs

Being a Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner means that I am both a Registered Acupuncturist and a Registered Chinese Herbalist. Chinese Herbal Medicine is an extremely effective and safe mode of treatment when prescribed by a qualified professional. I will use Chinese Herbs for patients when I strongly feel that they will bring the most benefit and when a patient is happy to take them. I do not stock herbs in my treatment space but will special order them in for patients. Herbal remedies are an additional fee.


Moxibustion (or Moxa) is another form of treatment used in Chinese Medicine. Moxa can come in a few different forms however the principle is always the same. A herbal stick, powder, or cone is used like incense and lit on fire and blown out. The moxa is then very warm and held near the skin over a specific area (either a specific acupuncture point or your area of pain). The moxa does not touch the skin directly. Moxa is a great tool for certain body types and/or disorders.